Take Action: Watering

Repair Sprinklers

Some Effort

Fix broken sprinklers to drastically reduce unnecessary runoff

Broken or leaky sprinklers can waste thousands of gallons of water per month and significantly increase the amount of runoff from your yard. Repairing sprinklers can prevent runoff from entering our waterways and helps keep our oceans clean.

A photo of person repairing sprinklers

Who Should do This?

If you have a sprinkler system, you can take this action!

How Long will it Take?

Depending on the size and brand of your sprinkler system and the type of repairs needed, repairs can take a few minutes, or up to a couple of days.

How Much does it Cost?

The cost will depend on the type of repairs and the brand of your system. Typically, replacement sprinkler heads range from $4 to $20 each. There are rebates available if you replace your sprinklers with a SoCal Water$mart recommended nozzle.

What are the Benefits?

  • Saves money
  • Saves water
  • Prevents runoff

What is needed to get started?

  • Name of sprinkler brand
  • Shovel (as needed)
  • Pliers
  • Tool to adjust nozzles (small flathead screwdriver or specialized tool depending on brand)
  • Replacement parts

Did You Know?

A leak in a sprinkler the size of a ballpoint pen can waste about 6,300 gallons of water per month!1 Fixing broken sprinklers not only prevents excessive runoff, it can also save you money.


Information for homeowners interested in updating current sprinklers: click here.

Tips on how to keep your irrigation system functioning properly: click here.

Common irrigation challenges and suggested solutions: click here.


1 https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2017-12/documents/ws-commercialbuildings-waterscore-irrigation-landscape-guide.pdf

My Commitment: Repair Sprinklers