Take Action: Capture Water
Install a Rain Barrel
Utilizing rain barrels to collect rainwater reduces runoff & saves water
Installing rain barrels or cisterns to capture rain is a great way to reduce runoff and cut water costs. Rain barrels can hold water for later use and helps to offset water demands.

Who Should Do This?
If you have access to your rainspouts, you can take this action. Installing rain barrels is fairly easy to do on your own. Click here for tips to install.
How Long Will It Take?
After obtaining the rain barrel, installation may take a few hours if you choose to install yourself. Professional installation may take less time.
How Much Does It Cost?
Rain barrels start at around $80 for a 50-gallon barrel. Check here for available rebates! Rain barrels are widely available at home improvements retailers or online.
What are the Benefits?
- Reduces water costs
- Reduces amount of runoff going into storm drains
What is Needed to Get Started?
- Hacksaw
- Sand
- Drill/screwdriver
- Gravel
- Rain barrel
- Screws
Did You Know?
Rain barrels should have mosquito screens under lids and overflow holes to keep the water pest-free. Raising the barrel off the ground using a stand or bricks will increase water pressure when in use.
Information on how to place and maintain your rain barrel: click here.
For available rebates: click here.
For other available rain collection rebates: click here.