Take Action: Overwatering is Out

Landscape Improvement

Use Mulch to Absorb Water

Use Mulch to Absorb Water

Using mulch to absorb water helps to retain moisture in your soil & keeps plants happy.

Create a Rain Garden

Create a Rain Garden

Creating a rain garden captures runoff from entering storm drains and puts it to good use.

Aerate Soil

Aerate Soil

Aerating soils improves irrigation entering the soils & prevents water pooling that leads to runoff.

Plant OC Garden Friendly Ground Cover

Plant OC Garden Friendly Ground Cover

Ground cover plants provide protection for soil and can help lock in moisture, and choosing native plants that require less watering helps prevent stormwater runoff.

Group Plants with Similar Watering Needs

Group Plants with Similar Watering Needs

Grouping plants with similar watering needs close together helps reduce unnecessary watering