Where Does Runoff Go?
The storm drain system in Orange County was built to prevent flooding of inland areas. Stormwater flows through our storm drain channels directly to the Pacific Ocean and away from populated areas and streets.
However, stormwater from rain events is not the only water that goes into the storm drain system. The runoff from outside homes and businesses (such as from sprinklers and hoses) flows into storm drains even when there is no rain.
Together, stormwater and non-stormwater runoff flows, untreated, to the Pacific Ocean via an extensive series of creeks and channels.

How Can I Help?
There are ways to prevent polluted runoff from entering our storm drains. Check out our pages on Low Impact Development and Pollution Prevention for Construction Sites, Businesses, and Residents.
Also, check out our applicable brochures below:
Solution to Runoff Pollution (Korean, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese)
Proper Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste (Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese)