Pollution Prevention for Construction Sites
Some common sources of pollutants from construction sites include:
- Sediment
- Concrete and grout
- Paints, lacquers, and primers
- Cleaning solvents
- Soaps and detergents
- Wood preservatives
- Equipment fuels, lubricants, coolants, and hydraulic fluids
- Pesticides
Runoff (stormwater and non-stormwater) from construction sites can be a major source of these pollutants, and once released, these harmful pollutants can be transported to our Orange County rivers, creeks, and the ocean.

Here are tips for construction sites to help keep our waterways clean:
- Store materials under cover, with temporary roofs or plastic sheets, to eliminate or reduce the possibility that the materials can be carried from the project site to streets, storm drains or adjacent properties via rainfall, runoff or wind
- Before starting construction, cover nearby storm drain inlets
- Use an absorbent material such as cat litter to soak up spills, then sweep and dispose in the trash

Practice BMPs related to construction sites listed in the BMP Fact Sheets here.
Also, check out our applicable brochures below:
Tips for using Concrete and Mortar, (Spanish)