Industrial / Commercial
Some common pollutants from industrial and commercial sites include:
- Sediment
- Fertilizer
- Pesticides
- Metals
- Soaps and detergents
- Cleaning solvents
- Trash and debris
- Oil and grease
Runoff (stormwater and non-stormwater) from industrial/commercial sites can be a major source of these pollutants, and once released, these harmful pollutants can be transported to our Orange County rivers, creeks, and the ocean.
Here are tips for industrial and commercial sites to help keep our waterways clean:

Waste Disposal
Cover dumpsters and other waste containers to keep stormwater out. Frequently pick up debris around the dumpsters. Inspect dumpsters regularly and have your hauler repair or replace leaky dumpsters.

Wash water from cleaning filters, grills, floor mats and garbage bins must be discharged to the sanitary sewer system. Provide an inside sink or wash basin for mop water and washing equipment.

Employee Training
Provide regular employee training on spill cleanup procedures and washing practices, and always keep a spill kit with absorbent materials in the work area
Practice BMPs related to industrial and commercial sites listed in the BMP Fact Sheets here.
Find additional BMP Fact Sheets here. Once on the BMP Fact Sheet website, use the left menu to navigate between the different BMP Fact Sheet categories available.
Also, check out our applicable brochures below:
Proper Maintenance Practices for Your Business (Korean, Vietnamese)