Food Services

Some common pollutants from the food service industry include:

  • Cooking oil and grease
  • Food scraps
  • Cleaning chemicals
  • Brake pad dust from delivery vehicles

Runoff (stormwater and non-stormwater) from the food service industry can be a major source of these pollutants, and once released, these harmful pollutants can be transported to our Orange County rivers, creeks, and the ocean.

Here are tips for the food service industry to help keep our waterways clean:

Waste Disposal

Waste Disposal

  • Close dumpster lids to keep birds, vectors, and stormwater out
  • Perform routine maintenance in the dumpster enclosure, including removal of surrounding debris and trash
  • Contact your provider to repair or replace leaking or damaged dumpsters
  • Never put liquid waste in dumpsters or trash cans
  • Dispose of grease in appropriate receptacles
  • Do NOT pour grease into storm drains or sanitary sewers
  • Check out the Orange County Sanitation District’s proper disposal of fats, oils, and grease here


  • Use a mop sink or wash basin to dispose of waste water generated during cleaning activities
  • Wash water from cleaning equipment such as filters, grills, and floor mats must be discharged to the sanitary sewers
  • Sweep sidewalks, parking lots, and all paved surfaces before washing and don’t use detergent, hot water, or other cleansers
  • Clean up spills immediately with absorbent material like rags or kitty litter instead of a hose
  • Do NOT hose down spills
Employee Training

Employee Training

  • Provide regular employee training on spill cleanup procedures and washing practices
  • Stencil storm drains to discourage illegal, harmful dumping
  • Post Best Management Practices (BMP) information where employees can see it

Practice BMPs related to the food service industry listed in the BMP Fact Sheets here.

Find additional BMP fact sheets here and resources from OC SAN here. Once on the BMP Fact Sheet website, use the left menu to navigate between the different BMP Fact Sheet categories available.

Also, check out our applicable brochures, posters, and decals below: