Automotive Industry
Some common pollutants from the automotive industry include:
- Oil and grease
- Radiator fluids and antifreeze
- Cleaning chemicals
- Brake pad dust
Runoff (stormwater and non-stormwater) from the automotive industry can be a major source of these pollutants, and once released, these harmful pollutants can be transported to our Orange County rivers, creeks, and the ocean.
Here are tips for the automotive industry to help keep our waterways clean:

When cleaning automotive parts, make sure to clean them in a self-contained unit, solvent sink, or parts washer to prevent solvents and grease from entering a sewer or storm drain. Contact your local recycling center to find where you can dispose of oils, solvents, etc.

Make sure to store vehicle parts and hazardous materials and waste such as fuels, solvents, batteries, and oils off the ground and in areas where they will not be exposed to rainwater or runoff

Leaks and Spills
To prevent leaks and spills, train employees on how to properly cleanup work sites and always keep a spill kit with absorbent materials in the work area.
Practice BMPs related to the automotive industry listed in the BMP Fact Sheets here.
Find additional BMP Fact Sheets here. Once on the BMP Fact Sheet website, use the left menu to navigate between the different BMP Fact Sheet categories available.
Also, check out our applicable brochures, posters, and decals below:
Tips for the Automotive Industry (Spanish)