Blame It on the Rain
September 24, 2018
The rainy season here in Orange County is October to May. As it approaches, we can do a few simple things to maximize Mother Nature’s bounty and minimize impacts from excessive runoff.
Roadways, sidewalks, and many other surfaces are built with impermeable surfaces, which block rain from being absorbed into the ground. This results in runoff that carries trash and other contaminants into our storm drains and eventually our waterways.

We all value clean waterways so here are a few ways you can reduce runoff from your home:
- Install a rain barrel to capture rain. Rain barrel installation is easy and rebates are available if you decide to purchase.
- Add mulch to bare soil around your home. Mulch helps trap water and allows it to absorb slowly into the ground, reducing the amount of runoff from your yard.
- Add a rain garden to your landscape to harnesses rainwater and water plants at the same time. Rain gardens can be any size to beautify your outdoor living space. Before modifying your yard to install a rain garden, please consult your local building and/or planning departments to ensure your garden plan follows relevant building codes and ordinances.